The Real Profit Story is not just about your selling price, your food cost, the number of servings per day, and your opening hours. How about the hidden costs?

The One-Shot Corporation is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 02425145. Registered office: Seven Stars House, 1, Wheler Road, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV3 4LB, England.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

AMAZING News Update

11 July 2018 News Update
Recorded 11 July 2018, Gary McGill, Director of Global Marketing, gives us an update on the innovative One-Shot® #icecream and #frozenyogurt dispensing system. Great alternative to traditional #softservemachines with no sanitizing feature, uncomplicated, inexpensive (ideal for national rollout programs) and fast return on investment.
Posted by The One-Shot Corporation Limited on Tuesday, 10 July 2018

We have had a very good year, as you can see in the video, so much so that we have been expanding our distribution channels to keep up with the surge in international sales. One thing we will have will be more video updates, since we are confident that we will either achieve or come close to 500,000 Facebook followers before Christmas, so we have a MASSIVE fan base to keep updated with what we are doing. 

This news feed talks about some of the trade shows coming up and some insights into what we are doing. As you can see from the video’s viewer counter, we have already had a lot of people watching our news feed, plus we have had people contacting us after this release was transmitted asking about the One-Shot® dispensing system. We are market leaders in what we do and exciting times indeed.   

Posted by The One-Shot Corporation Limited on Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Don’t forget to also checkout our REAL Profit Story and you might be surprised about the REAL costs in running a frozen dessert solution. There is a HUGE difference between NETT Profits and GROSS Profits, so from our website you can find out about the hidden costs, which is a little more than liquid mix in and profits out (if you can also spread the word to help this go viral that would be FANTASTIC). 
The One-Shot® pod dispensing system has a number of exciting unique selling points. 

* Perfect portion control
* Perfect cost control
* Low cost equipment
* No sanitizing
* No waste
* No heat emission
* Plug-and-go
* Energy consumption less than a 100w light bulb!
* Quiet operation

Please also follow us here on our blog as we publish more global news. Watch out, no matter where you are, the One-Shot® dispensing system is coming your way!™

For international information about the One-Shot® dispensing system, please contact:

Gary McGill, MA, MBA, FCMI
Director of Global Marketing
The One-Shot Corporation Limited
70 Churchill Square Business Centre
Kings Hill
ME19 4YU
Tel: + 44 1732 525925
Fax: + 44 1732 525825

* One-Shot® is a licensed Trade Mark from the One-Shot Corporation Limited, England.  

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