Prisen for årets utfordrer gikk til One-Shot Norge! Et genialt iskonsept som har vokst mye det siste året. Vi gratulerer! 😊🍦
Posted by ASKO Servering on Monday, 7 January 2019
#howcleanisyourmachine today? Solution solved! The RELIEF! No #sanitizing required for our One-Shot® #icecream and #frozenyogurt dispensers with over 1,000,000,000 global portions sold and over 100,000 machines built.
Posted by The One-Shot Corporation Limited on Sunday, 6 January 2019
We are highly delighted by this highly exciting news and it is a really great way to start off our 2019 sales year. Bravo One-Shot Norge.
Please also pop over to to read about the One-Shot® ice cream and frozen yogurt pod dispensers with costings discussed at Have you read about our other unique selling points?
For international information about the One-Shot® dispensing system, please contact: