The Real Profit Story is not just about your selling price, your food cost, the number of servings per day, and your opening hours. How about the hidden costs?

The One-Shot Corporation is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 02425145. Registered office: Seven Stars House, 1, Wheler Road, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV3 4LB, England.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Skyland Trampolinepark Jærhagen Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet & Gelato Soft Serve Machine Alternative Installation

Skyland Trampolinepark Jærhagen har One Shot is. 😃. #skylandtrampolinepark #oneshotnorge #trampoline #moro #jæren #sommer #is
Posted by One-Shot Norge on Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Hello world. We are the One-Shot Corporation Limited, market leaders in ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato and sorbet pod dispensers. Our mission is to liberate the world from the soft serve manufacturing process, and as you can already clearly see, we are already doing a pretty good job. 

We are highly delighted to announce that our distributors in Norway, One-Shot Norge, have just posted on Facebook a picture of a One-Shot® Model OS8 dispenser installation at the Skyland Trampolinepark (a trampoline park). Our pod dispensing system is perfect for this kind of client application. 

All these exciting success stories we are posting illustrate that we have more customers, more distributors and even more market share. We are already replacing traditional soft serve machines in numerous locations around the world with our liberating no sanitising lifestyle alternative. People are loving it. 

Now remember, no matter where you are, the One-Shot® pod dispensing system is coming your way! HIGHLY exciting opportunities for distributors are available in some global locations (everyone loves a winner). 

For international information about the One-Shot® dispensing system, please contact:

Gary McGill, MA, MBA, FCMI
Director of Global Marketing
The One-Shot Corporation Limited
70 Churchill Square Business Centre
Kings Hill
ME19 4YU
Tel: + 44 1732 525925
Fax: + 44 1732 525825

* One-Shot® is a licensed Trade Mark from the One-Shot Corporation Limited, England.  

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